Linköping, Energy Engineer, Energy planning
Roll: Operational Product Owner Start Date: 2025-03-03/10
End date: 2026-03-31
OPTION: 2027-03-31
Stationing location: Most of the assignment can be performed at any location.Digital meetings should be able to take place with Zoom, Teams and Google Meet.Travel to the current county may be required, for example, when needed for physical meetings in the municipalities.Reconciliations with the client are preferably digitally done.Scope: A call will be based on what demand for support from municipalities looks like, which means that we cannot ensure neither continuity nor a certain extent for hours, within the framework of the assignment.A calling for hours always takes place through the client and the extent of the respective advice is determined in consultation with the client.Before recorded advice/service may begin, a timed activity plan must be served and approved by the client.
The tenderer has the opportunity to offer one (1) or a maximum of two (2) consultants.
Being able to offer municipalities support and advice in municipal energy planning processes including in the process of updating or developing new energy plans or equivalent documents.The support must be based on the Swedish Energy Agency's guidance for municipal energy planning.
The assignment intends to be able to offer advice and support to municipal operations in Östergötland County on request, linked to municipal energy planning processes and the development of municipal energy plans.The counseling must be based on the Swedish Energy Agency's guidance for municipal energy planning.The assignment also includes being able to carry out competence -enhancing activities linked to municipal energy planning, with the aim of raising knowledge municipal service persons and politicians on these issues.Other examples of areas that can be included in the counseling are analysis of local and regional energy statistics, interpretation of network development plans from a municipal perspective, a general analysis of local conditions for production and transition.The assignment also includes assisting in the Energy Office's work within the framework of the project, with developing different types of knowledge base and guidance that can be supported in the municipalities' energy planning work.
If the tenderer offers one (1) consultant, the following requirements apply: The consultant shall:
If the tenderer offers two (2) consultants, the following requirements apply:
The other consultant should:
Both consultants should: