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IAM consultant long assignment mostly distance

Youpal Group
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Sweden - Remote
January 24, 2025

Governance, SQL, Microsoft Exchange, Swedish, Ad, Angular, IGA, One Identity Manager, Härnösand•+3Sollefteå•Sundsvall•Örnsköldsvik, IAM consultant

Microsoft Exchange
One Identity Manager
IAM consultant
Work Level
Employee Type

Roll:IAM consultant

Length of assignment:2025-04-01 through 2026-03-31 (with option for extension up to 2027-03-31).

Extent:60 %

Mission site:Distance (Härnösand/Sollefteå/Sundsvall and/or Örnsköldsvik once a month or if necessary if the task requires it).Travel within Region Västernorrland may occur.

Description:We are now looking for 1-2 sub-consultants who can take on the role of IAM consultant.

The assignment mainly includes the following tasks, but can change somewhat if operations place new demands on further development.

Ida (Identity Administration) is the region's eligibility system.Ida is critical of business when the allocation of authority to business -critical systems is made here.

This places great demands on the system in terms of work processes and performance.This is to avoid the occurrence of errors/incidents and to quickly rectify the error/incident and restore to the agreed position if the error/incident would arise after all.

Customer's existing identity and eligibility system is today an installation of

  • One Identity Manager

The assignment refers to:

  • The maintenance where the purpose is that the parties can effectively control, control and develop the relationship, the agreement and the current delivery.
  • Further development where the business's need for change and development work in an efficient and safe way is delivered over time.

The assignment also includes documenting on behalf of the buyer and transferring competence to relevant staff with the buyer.

The consultant should have:

  • Good ability to express themselves well in speech and writing in Swedish
  • Very extensive experience with Identity Governance and Administration (IGA), Identity & Access Management (IAM)- has participated in several major assignments in the area and has delivered the assignments with very high quality.
  • Extensive experience in the introduction of IGA tools in larger organizations - has participated in large assignments in the area and has delivered high quality assignments.
  • Experience in the management of IGA tools in larger organizations - has participated in assignments in the area and has delivered assignments with sufficient quality.
  • Very good knowledge of One Identity Manager (OIM) - Competence of the highest rank in the area that has contributed to deliveries of very high quality, is perceived as expert/guru in the market.
  • Good knowledge of angular development - high competence in the area that has contributed to high quality deliveries.
  • Knowledge of various directory services, such as LDAP, SQL, AD and Microsoft Entraid - competence in the area that have contributed to sufficient quality deliveries.
  • Broad knowledge of integration between different systems - competence in the area that has contributed to supplies of sufficient quality.
  • Very good ability to create sustainable solutions based on the buyer conditions and according to Best Practice for OIM - ability that has contributed to very high quality deliveries.
  • Great ability to collaborate with others, and express themselves in speech and writing - ability that has contributed to high quality deliveries.

The consultant should have:

  • An appointed backup consultant who replaces the main consultant in case of any absence.The backup consultant must meet all of the tender invitation and CVs must be attached to the tender
  • Documented experience in Microsoft Entraid and Exchange Online
  • Documented experience of Angular development in OIM
  • Documented experience in LDAP, SQL and AD

Answers are last desired:2025-02-06

Job Description
I’m looking for a good designer as partner to work together on projects, that wants to expand his knowledge into the UX/UI and product area to collaborate on medium size projects. We will start with 20 hours per week and we might extend to full time after 2-3 months. First project is on financial instruments with blockchain as backend technology.
On-site in United Arab Emirates
Have good communication skills and team working skill.
Know the principal of animation and you can create high quality prototypes.
Following design system guidelines
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